Monday, September 18, 2023
MNIFT September Kick-Off Meeting with Phi Tau Sigma!
In-Person (Plus a Virtual Option!)
On Monday, September 18th, Minnesota Institute of Food Technologists and the University of Minnesota Chapter Phi Tau Sigma, Honor Society for Food Science & Technology, will host a joint kick-off meeting for our 2023-2024 year! Come and join us to network, learn about novel protein ingredients from our speaker (Dr. Lutz Grossmann), and celebrate our MNIFT volunteers with the President's Award and volunteer awards presentation. We look forward to seeing everyone!
Co-Sponsored by
ΦTΣ University of Minnesota Chapter Phi Tau Sigma: Honor Society for Food Science and Technology

Assistant Professor
Department of Food Science
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Title: All Food Comes from the Sun? Challenges in Designing Novel Protein Ingredient Value Chains
Overview: Global food supply chains are under constant transformation due to changing diet habits, climate change, economic constraints, and technological advances. At present, there is a strong interest in developing new resilient protein value chains that deliver functional and nutritional proteins that are also economically viable. Especially plant proteins and cultivation approaches are at the center of attention to provide additional proteins for the food system.
The food and agriculture community faces an unprecedented challenge to formulate foods with these novel types of proteins to deliver the right nutritional and sensory properties for the consumer. In this talk, I want to highlight some recent developments in the design of novel protein value chains and the challenges that exist in making them a viable option. The talk will focus on single cell protein production techniques including power-to-protein cultivation approaches and plant protein sidestream utilization. Current advances and challenges will be discussed, and a vision of the design of such new protein value chains will be presented.
Lutz Grossmann is an Assistant Professor at the Food Science Department at UMass Amherst since 2021. He graduated with a Ph.D. in food science from the University of Hohenheim in Germany. His research focuses on facilitating a sustainable food system transition by designing holistic approaches to increase the consumption of plant- and microbial protein-rich foods. He is especially interested in combining up- and downstream processing technology with molecular, physicochemical, and engineering concepts to create food textures that are nutritious, sustainable, and tasty.
His research was awarded the Nestlé Young Scientist Award (2019) and the Südwestmetall-Förderpreis (2020). He currently has a publication record of 51 peer-reviewed publications, has published two books, and has an h- index of 17. His laboratory receives funding from the United States Department of Agriculture, The Foundation for Food and Agriculture, and The Good Food Institute.
MNIFT 2023 President's Award
The MNIFT 2023 President's Award will be presented at the September 18th meeting. MNIFT wouldn’t be who we are without our volunteers. Along with the President's Award, other volunteer awards will be presented. Join us to find out this year's winner and let's celebrate them!
The President’s Award was established by the Minnesota Section of the Institute of Food Technologists in 1987. In the words of the Bylaw adopted to formally establish the Award, its purpose is “to recognize a member in the section who has served the Section and the profession in an outstanding manner”.
The Award consists of an engraved plaque with the citation and an honorarium. The presentation is featured at the first dinner meeting of the year for the Minnesota IFT Section.All members of the Minnesota Section are eligible for this award. The selection of the award is made by a committee of the Section, which is comprised of current and former Presidents of the Minnesota Section.
Nomination for the award may be made by the any member of the Minnesota Section. The Award recognizes the dedication that many IFT members have for their professional scientific society and says “thank you” to all who have given their time to improve the future of the food sector.
Online credit card payment is preferred, or you can pay the night of the event if needed.
Registration will stay open until September 18th at 5:00 PM. Early Bird registration ends on September 7th, 2023.
Registration costs will include drink and appetizers. If you have special dietary needs, please email us if those options are not on the registration website.
If you have additional questions, please email Yash Jagdale (Jagda005@umn.edu) and Lindsay Budin (Lindsay.Budin@agropur.com).
NOTE: Virtual registrations will receive the Zoom meeting login information after registration.
Minneapolis Cider Company – Haralson Room
701 SE 9th St
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Monday, September 18, 2023
4:00 - 5:00 PM Board of Directors Meeting*** |
5:00- 6:10 PM Social with Appetizers & Drinks |
6:10-6:35 PM Phi Tau Sigma Introductions & President’s & Volunteer Awards |
6:35-7:25 PM “All Food Comes from the Sun? Challenges in Designing Novel Protein Ingredient Value Chains” by Dr. Grossmann |
7:25-7:30PM Closing Remarks |
Type | Until End of Day September 7th | Starting September 8th |
In-Person Member | $25 | $30 |
In-Person Non-Member | $35 | $40 |
In-Person Student/Emeritus | $15 | $20 |
Virtual Member/Student/Emeritus | $5 | $5 |
Virtual Non-Member | $10 | $10 |